Celebrating the Solvay Business Schools

An Solvay Alumni exclusive celebration to honour the founding of our Schools by Ernest Solvay in 1903.
Hosting 120 Alumni at the prestigious 'Palais A.R.B.E.D.' in Luxembourg, under patronage of H.E. Belgian Ambassador.

Solvay Business Voice Series

An Solvay Alumni exclusive dinner conference with Norbert Becker as Chairman and Founder of ATOZ on April 25th.
Hosting our 2023 edition of the unique Business Voice Series for Solvay Alumni at Golf Club Grand Ducal.

Solvay Duke 's Drink

Joined by fellow Solvay Alumni, Vlaamse Club, and URB-BKV members for our traditional summer gathering.
It was a pleasure to meet fellow alumni, Flemish, and Belgians in Luxembourg, whether it's reconnecting or networking.

2022 Solvay Finance Tour
Solvay Finance Tour Winner
Awarded EUR 1'000 in finance books as winner of the 2022 edition

The Alumni Apero

A unique opportunity, especially crafted by Solvay Alumni for its fellows.
Gathering the sharpest and brightest minds Luxembourg hosts, to inspire you, take you across industries and leverage the strength of our network.

Business Voice Series

Solvay Alumni is proud to have welcomed Paul Donovan, UBS Global Chief Economist to share his views on the for a unique round-table event about a decade of transformation.

Rise of the Machine

Solvay Schools Alumni launched the first Rise of the Machines conference in 2017 in what would the start of a unique series on the fourth industrial revolution in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
We were joined by alumnus and Microsoft CEO, ULB Dean, and speakers from Amazon and Paul Wurth.
Thank you for attending

10x6 HR - Future Skills/ PwC Luxembourg

With the advent of automation and digitalization, how can we anticipate and be trained to support this digital transformation of the workplace?
We thank you for having joined us.
With the backing of Luxembourg for Finance, the LPEA, and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the Association has been able to achieve a variety of initiatives and events, including the annual Solvay Finance Tour, Business Voice Series, Rise of the Machines conference, and Alumni Apero.
Solvay Alumni Luxembourg is therefore well-positioned to remain stimulating for business and other alumni networks in the region.
Propelled by excellence, our Association helps foster thought leadership to inspire tomorrow.
We proudly welcome, connect and represent our Alumni in the Grand Duchy."
Former Chapter President (2016-2023)
Chapter President (Current)

120th Anniversary of Solvay Business Schools
Under the encouragements and patronage of H.E. the Belgian Ambassador to Luxembourg, Thomas Lambert, it ...
Sustainability Management Conference: Are you ready for the 10 sustainable challenges?
The House of Training, Chamber of Commerce and Solvay Lifelong Learning are pleased to invite ...
LHoFT Fintech Campus: Solvay Business School meets Pascal Bouvier
Being introduced the Luxembourg ecosystem, a brief History of Fintech was presented by Pascal Bouvier, ...
Tomorrow’s Talent
Welcoming the Advanced Masters in Financial Markets to an exclusive Tomorrow’s Talent Forum at UBS ...
Launch MBA Highlights
Are you a CEO, Executive, Manager or a Solvay Alumni? The House of Training in ...
Solvay Duke’s Drink
Are you ready to join us for our annual summer gathering? This year no Barbeque ...