The Luxembourg Finance Tour & Game produced a winner from an impressive cohort of Solvay finance students!
We are delighted to offer Nicola Menardo 34 carefully selected finance ‘must read’ books. Nicola currently studies to complete his Master degree in Business Engineering at Solvay Brussels School (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and has been an avid #machinelearning user, in addition to his apprenticeship at a #crypto trading firm.
We salute the efforts from Gilles Grijspeerdt Hautain as well as Anna Bogatyreva which were close runners up to this 1’000 euro prize!
And of course we honor those students which successfully completed the program : Ganaël Plumier, Mbomasi Jean Goy, Yakoub Bouyahji, Julien Dereck, Margaux Roussel, Ugo Simonneau, Adam Zerrouk, Mei Ji, Jimmy Macaulay and Ghadi Kahil.
Yet again we witnessed the great enthusiasm at Solvay Brussels School Student Finance Club and in particular Alexandre Verstreken and Zakaria El Abdouni which made the 2021 edition a true success! Punctual, pragmatic, and considerate of their fellows, the leadership traits needed to make things happen 😉
Nicola Menardo wins the 2021 Solvay Finance Tour